About us

The de Borda Institute

aims to promote the use of inclusive, multi-optional and preferential voting procedures, both in parliaments/congresses and in referendums, on all contentious questions of social choice.

This applies specifically to decision-making, be it for the electorate in regional/national polls, for their elected representatives in councils and parliaments, for members of a local community group, a company board, a co-operative, and so on.  But we also cover elections.

               * * * * *

The Institute is named after Jean-Charles de Borda, and hence the well-known voting procedure, the Borda Count BC; but Jean-Charles actually invented what is now called the Modified Borda Count, MBC - the difference is subtle:

In a vote on n options, the voter may cast m preferences; and, of course, m < n.

In a BC, points are awarded to (1st, 2nd ... last) preferences cast according to the rule (n, n-1 ... 1) {or (n-1, n-2 ... 0)} whereas,

in an MBC, points are awarded to (1st, 2nd ... lastpreferences cast according to the rule (m, m-1 ... 1).

The difference can be huge, especially when the topic is controversial: the BC benefits those who cast only a 1st preference; the MBC encourages the consensual, those who submit not only a 1st preference but also their 2nd (and subsequent) compromise option(s) And if (nearly) every voter states their compromise option(s), an MBC can identify the collective compromise.


Inclusive voting app 



(The latest in a long-line of electronic voting for decision-making; our first was in 1991.)



The Institute was estabished in 1997 with a cash grant of £3,000 from the Joseph Rowntree Charitabe Trust, and has received the occasional sum from Northern Ireland's Community Relations Council and others.  Today it relies on voluntary donations and the voluntary work of its board, while most running expenses are paid by the director. 



"De Borda abroad." From Belfast to Beijing and beyond... and back. Starting in Vienna with the Sept 2017 TEDx talk, I give lectures in Belgrade, Sarajevo, Istanbul, Tbilisi, Yerevan, Tehran, Beijing, Tianjin, Xuzhou, Hong Kong and Taiwan... but not in Pyongyang. Then back via Mongolia (where I had been an election observer in June 2017) and Moscow (where I'd worked in the '80s).

I have my little fold-up Brompton with me - surely the best way of exploring any new city! So I prefer to go by train, boat or bus, and then cycle wherever in each new venue; and all with just one plastic water bottle... or that was the intention!

The story is here.

In Sept 2019, I set off again, to promote the book of the journey.  After the ninth book launch in Taipei University, I went to stay with friends in a little village in Gansu for the Chinese New Year.  The rat.  Then came the virus, lockdown... and I was stuck.


The Hospital for Incurable Protestants

The Mémoire of a Collapsed Catholic

 This is the story of a pacifist in a conflict zone, in Northern Ireland and the Balkans.  Only in e-format, but only £5.15.  Available from Amazon.




The director alongside the statue of Jean-Charles de Borda, capitaine et savant, in l’École Navale in Brest, 24.9.2010. Photo by Gwenaelle Bichelot. 

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Won by One

Welcome to the home page of the de Borda Institute, a Northern Ireland-based international organisation (an NGO) which aims to promote the use of inclusive voting procedures on all contentious questions of social choice. For more information use the menu options above or feel free to contact the organisation's headquarters. If you want to check the meaning of any of the terms used, then by all means have a look at this glossary.

As shown in these attachments, there are many voting procedures for use in decision-making and even more electoral systems.  This is because, in decision-making, there is usually only one outcome - a singe decision or a shopping ist, a prioritisation; but with some electoral systems, and definitely in any proportional ones, there can be several winners.  Sometimes, for any one voters' profile - that is, the set of all their preferences - the outcome of any count may well depend on the voting procedure used.  In this very simple example of a few voters voting on just four options, and in these two hypothetical examples on five, (word document) or (Power-point) in which a few cast their preferences on five options, the profiles are analysed according to different methodologies, and the winner could be any one of all the options.  Yet all of these methodologies are called democratic!  Extraordinary!

Many parliaments have problems forming a government.  A graph of seven Western countries (because the West preaches inclusive governance to conflict zones) -  Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands and Spain, and the length of time it took for them to form an exclusive administration - is attached, and so is a key giving the exact number of days involved.


The matrix vote may be used when a group of persons – elected representatives of an elected chamber, members of an association at an AGM, etc. – wish to elect an executive, a team of ministers or office holders with different functions: a minister of finance, another of the environment, and so on; a secretary, a treasurer, and so forth.

The ballot is two-dimensional; a simple example, for a cabinet of six ministers, is as shown.

The Cabinet





of A

of B

of C

of D

of E


















































In the vote, every MP may choose six different names and list them, in order of preference, in the shaded column; then, he/she may use a  ✓ to indicate in which ministerial post he/she wants each nominee to serve.  An example of a completed ballot paper is as follows: six different candidates in the left-hand shaded column; six different ticks in the matrix, one in each row and one in each column.

The Cabinet





of A

of B

of C

of D

of E












































The voting member of parliament might regard the B ministry as most important, or have a priority to get Jean elected, or think she is best suited to this ministry.  No matter the reasons, every MP has lots of choice. 

The analysis is twofold: on the data in the shaded column, a Quota Borda System QBS is used to identify the six most popular MPs; secondly, with the preferences now converted into points and in descending order of points received in the matrix, these six are then appointed using an MBC, each to the ministry for which they received the most points. 

The matrix vote is PR.  Like RCV, QBS prompts every party to nominate only as many candidates it thinks it can get elected, so members should best not submit a ballot of party colleagues only, lest they split their vote; at the same time, the MBC encourages every MP to submit a full ballot.  In total, therefore, the completely colour-blind matrix vote can encourage (but does not force) everyone to vote across the gender gap, the party divide and even the sectarian chasm.  It is ideally suited to international organisations like the UN, to national governments in conflict zones, and to organisations in civil society, especially in plural democracies.  


If those concerned are in (local or national) government and if, therefore, proportionality is important, then the QBS matrix vote should be used.  This means the first count is conducted according to the rules of QBS, so to identify the chosen members of cabinet.  The second count - the appointment of these individuals to particular posts - is under the rules of an MBC.

In those organisations where proportionality is not an overriding consideration - as in non-party parliaments such as in Nauru and Nunavut, or in busness and the community - both counts can be conducted according to the rules of an MBC.

On 4.10.2021, a matrix vote was conducted on-line 'in' Munich.  The results are attached.